The potential for more than 2,500 new homes has been unlocked in the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula, in a State Government bid to tackle the regional housing crisis.
The site on 241-hectares of privately owned land at Goolwa North, east of Alexandrina Road and north of the Goolwa township, has been identified for re-zoning for residential use through the planning system, subject to community and stakeholder engagement.
It comes as the region’s population is projected to grow in excess of 20 per cent by 2036, according to the State Planning Commission’s latest Land Supply Report.
The newly established Housing Infrastructure Planning and Development Unit will support the rollout of vital infrastructure and amenities surrounding major housing land releases and marks the second release of land in the past week, adding to 2,000 future homes across Noarlunga Downs, Aldinga and Golden Grove.
Alexandrina Mayor Keith Parkes said the community will be able to have a say during the consultation.
“Council looks forward to a collaborative relationship with the proponent to ensure that our local context and community vision is heard and incorporated at this important policy setting stage,” Mayor Keith Parkes said.
It is anticipated construction on first homes could begin as early as 2025.
Photo of Goolwa by Orderinchaos, Wikimedia